How to apply hair masks?

Hair masks are the kind of products that are used in order to deeply nourish our hair. They contain such ingredients that are especially designed to suit specific needs. The effects of those treatment last for a long period of time and your hair and scalp stay strengthened and nourished. Check out how to correctly apply hair masks to make the best of them.
The whole nourishing treatment always starts with the same step – in the shop, deciding on which mask is better and worth buying. Remember that the product must meet all of your expectations connected with hair problems. It is a good idea to carefully read the label and get to know other people’s opinions on the product online, before spending your money. However, even using the best product may not work for you, if you do not use it properly.
It is worth remembering that hair masks are one of those products that should be applied on damp hair. Especially if your hair is of low porosity and the cuticles adhere tightly to the core of the hair. Damp wisps will absorb the product better and in consequence work better because the cuticles will be slightly widen when wet. This is why it is best to use hair masks after washing your hair especially if the shampoo contains strong detergents. The mask will smooth, soften and lustre your hair. However, remember to keep your hair slightly damp, otherwise the product will slip off, active ingredients will not penetrate it and it will not nourish your bulbs. A good tip is to get rid of the excess water with a paper towel.
Hair masks are applied from the mid – length strands. There is no need of applying the cosmetic to the whole hair, since it acts like a sponge. The hair absorb products and ‘transmit’ them to other, more damaged strands very quickly. Make sure that the mask is not applied to the scalp – it could over-grease your hair and head. The amount of hair mask should be dosed accordingly to the extent of the damage and the length of the strands. There is no point in applying high doses of the product, because the hair will not absorb everything.
It is more than enough, to leave the product on the hair for about 30 minutes. This is the sufficient time for the wisps to absorb all the nutrients in. Certainly do not ‘leave’ hair mask overnight. Immediately after application, you can comb through to distribute the cosmetic evenly. Each treatment should be carried out once a week until you achieve satisfactory results. It is a very good idea to, enrich the mask with any cosmetics or… food products, for example: herbs, essential oils or plant extracts.